Get inspired,get motivated,be a learner,share your idea's, get creative,challenge yourself, tie the ropes.Lets make it happen. My blog is all about what,how and when we can make the changes that can take us to next level...... Write and share what you believe in.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
When we honestly ask ourselves which people in our lives mean the most to us,
we often find that it’s those who, instead of giving advice, solutions or cures,
have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and caring hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief or bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing, and face with us the reality of our powerlessness — that is the friend who cares.
Dedicated to all my friends and Foes as well..:)
we often find that it’s those who, instead of giving advice, solutions or cures,
have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and caring hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief or bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing, and face with us the reality of our powerlessness — that is the friend who cares.
Dedicated to all my friends and Foes as well..:)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Have you ever been walking down the street and realized that you’re going in the complete opposite direction of where you are supposed to be going? But instead of just turning a 180 and walking back in the direction from which you came, you have to first do something like check your watch or phone or make a grand arm gesture and mutter to yourself to ensure that no one in the surrounding area thinks you’re crazy by randomly switching directions on the sidewalk.
Have you ever been walking down the street and realized that you’re going in the complete opposite direction of where you are supposed to be going? But instead of just turning a 180 and walking back in the direction from which you came, you have to first do something like check your watch or phone or make a grand arm gesture and mutter to yourself to ensure that no one in the surrounding area thinks you’re crazy by randomly switching directions on the sidewalk.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
“Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”
“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” Steve Job.
“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” Steve Job.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Lets be " 1 "
one common rule. if you are hard working, honest, dedicated and true to Allah, then there is no one who can stop you from succeeding. I think Urdu and Sindhi phenomena was never an issue till early 80's. Every one was living in HARMONY.. frankly speaking there are outside forces deployed to bring this great nation to its knees. And they have set there stooges in our country in the name of political leaders. We as a nation and as an individual no need to fight, but we are made to fight. Trust me URDU speaking people or Sindhi people they dont have an issue, its the leaders who ignite these false baseless sentiments in simple people mind. Lets unite as 1.
one common rule. if you are hard working, honest, dedicated and true to Allah, then there is no one who can stop you from succeeding. I think Urdu and Sindhi phenomena was never an issue till early 80's. Every one was living in HARMONY.. frankly speaking there are outside forces deployed to bring this great nation to its knees. And they have set there stooges in our country in the name of political leaders. We as a nation and as an individual no need to fight, but we are made to fight. Trust me URDU speaking people or Sindhi people they dont have an issue, its the leaders who ignite these false baseless sentiments in simple people mind. Lets unite as 1.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
British man asked the Sheikh: Why do your girls cover up their body and hair?
The Sheikh smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the British: If I asked you to take one of the sweets which one will you choose?
The British replied: The covered one.
The Sheikh said: that's how we treat and see our women
The Sheikh smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the British: If I asked you to take one of the sweets which one will you choose?
The British replied: The covered one.
The Sheikh said: that's how we treat and see our women
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Wanna stay young... make sure you read this article..
How To Stay Young
1-Be Accessible-
Don't force success to overrule your head. You may be a successful man, but make point to be approachable by all.
2-Build name money will follow-
First get reorganization in the society that you are a great person. then every body will help you in terms of money .only credibility attracts money.
3-Never stop learning-Every thing in life, every interaction, every experience has the capacity to teach us. Some thing. We commit biggest mistake when we think that we know every thing. and it affects our intellectual growth.
4- Believe in your destiny- Work your best towards your goal in life. And as far as destiny goes, always make a habit to believe that only you have the destiny to achieve in life what you want. The right belief will give you right result.
5-Learn to live in isolation-Any great idea needs a place of peace and solace to get germinated.
You need silence and loneliness to get a better understanding of the person within you.
[Who you are .
What you want.
What your purpose of life is.
To get answer of these three questions you need isolated place.]
Isolation is as important for the mind as companionship is for love.
6-Take Risks-
Every one starts in life with nothing. After achieving some thing a man feels unsecured that he may lose the achievement. But that is wrong. Never stop taking risk in life.or you will never grow fully.
7-Stay Update-
Read a lot. Every thing that comes in your way read it. know every thing that is happens around you and the world. your today's up-to-date knowledge will help you in future.
8-Contribute to yourself-
Yes, its good to live for your family, to do things whom you love, However it's not a sin to do things that make you feel happy. Their is no use of living a life that you don't enjoy. Do what makes you happy. When you contribute to yourself-physically or mentally, you are contributing towards an individual, and thereby contributing towards society.
Only when you are happy and content, you will be able to take care of those whom you love.
Take care of yourself; it is not a selfish thing.
9-Learn to give-
You cannot hold for ever anything.
It may be money, knowledge and love.
Every thing in life needs a full circle .
You may feel that (as you usually feels)you will be left with nothing.
You idea, your knowledge, your money, your love you feelings need to be spread out for something creative.
These above things if you will not share will just rot lying with you.
Allow it to flow, The more you share these above things, the more it will come back to you.
If you are a student.. you should check this post..
Top 14 websites for students
If you want to a see a blank look on students’ faces, ask them about the Dewey Decimal library classification system. For better or for worse, the Internet has become the alternative to a library card catalog for browsing and locating resources. But how do you navigate that system, and how can you trust what you read on the web?
"Frankly, this is my main concern, along with stumbling onto inappropriate material," admits Bonnie Marks, a mother of two. "Just because someone publishes something on their home page, it doesn't make it gospel—many kids don't know this."
Learning how to find the information you need on the Internet, and how to evaluate and appropriately use the information you find, can be challenging for both parents and students. The following is a look at some of the most comprehensive—and reliable—educational websites a student can bookmark and use to research school projects and homework assignments.
Web literacy and general reference
Information Literacy
All students—no matter what age—need help navigating and evaluating the ever-growing store of information available on the web. This University of Idaho site is an information literacy primer that will quickly turn any half-hearted or random searcher into a savvy Internet detective. It guides students through a series of modules that teach them how to distinguish different kinds of information on the Internet, search for and select research topics, search databases and other collections, locate and cite sources, and evaluate the sources they find.
A merger of the Internet Public Library and the Librarians' Internet Index, this site is a comprehensive source of "information you can trust." Thousands of volunteer library and information science professionals created and maintain the site’s reference collections—sets of links to websites on U. S. presidents, author biographies, museums, research and writing, literary criticism, and many more topics. The Ask an ipl2 Librarian reference service, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, provides individualized help finding authoritative, free online sources for specific topics.
Checking facts in Internet sources is one of the key ways to evaluate them, and, which stands for "reference desk," simplifies this essential step. Since 1995, has served as a one-click springboard to many of the web's top dictionaries, encyclopedias, calculators, atlases, news headlines, and search engines. The site also includes a handy Homework Helper section (under the Help and Advice column on the lower right of the page) that provides help in all subjects to students in every grade.
Fact Monster
For younger students who are not quite ready to navigate Refdesk, Fact Monster from Information Please is the tool to use. The Reference Desk on this site features a layout that is designed for easy fact-finding and includes timelines and an almanac, atlas, dictionary, and encyclopedia, as well as a Homework Center. Students can also search by visually identified topics or by typing in keywords. Check out fun features such as Biographies of the Presidents, the Geography Hall of Fame, and the Tallest Buildings Slideshow.
Microsoft Download Center
Consider the Microsoft Download Center your ultimate file repository. It links to tens of thousands of downloadable free or shareware programs. These include updates, utilities, applications, and extras for Windows, Macintosh, and other platforms; Internet tools; security essentials; developer resources; mobile devices; and, of course, computer games. You can search for what you need alphabetically, by product family, by download category, or by typing in a keyword. The Microsoft Worldwide Downloads site enables you to download files in more than 80 different languages.
Microsoft Student Experience
This site is the cool place for the technology leaders of the future. It offers student resources, helps students stay connected through its newsletters and technology clubs, and provides a career portal and Students-to-Business program. The links to scholarship competitions and to TechStudent—a site for website builders, designers, and software developers in training—encourage creativity and skill development. The Student Experience site also links to DreamSpark, which enables students not only to download professional software such as Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server, Visual C++ Express Edition, and Robotics Developer Studio for free but provides free training for using these tools as well.
English and history
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Perfect for language studies, this handy website automatically converts text from one language into another, such as English to Simplified Chinese or French to English. You can type and paste up to 10,000 characters (about 1,800 words) into the search window and then select the desired language. Or cut and paste a web URL to convert the entire site.
Project Gutenberg
As every parent and student knows, books that are required reading are not always available, or if they are, students may misplace their copy before they finish the assignment. Project Gutenberg to the rescue. This site enables you to download more than 30,000 free electronic books to read on your computer, iPhone, Kindle, Sony Reader, or other portable device in a variety of file formats. You can search by title and author or browse their collection of classic works, many of which are available in audio editions as well.
Internet History Sourcebook Project
This site, sponsored by Fordham University and edited by Paul Halsall, provides older students with access to a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts for educational use. It includes collections of primary sources in ancient, medieval, and modern history, as well as history of science, women's history, African history, and others.
The web's answer to those black- and yellow-striped Cliff Notes is, a reliable and free source for literary analysis of classic and contemporary books such as Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn and Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes from the Underground. The site offers character profiles, metaphor and theme analysis, and author biographies.
Shakespeare Online
This website can be filed in the "where was this when I was a kid?" category. On this aptly named site, visitors can read every play or poem from the world's most celebrated writer and, more importantly, make some sense of his works with free analysis, Old English language translations, and famous quotes.
Math and science
This site provides help in a number of mathematics-related subjects, including basic grade-school math, calculus, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Practice exercises are automatically graded—and this free site also features a glossary, calculators, homework tips, math games, and lesson plans for teachers.
Science Made Simple
Science classes—including the ubiquitous science project—aren't as easy for some to grasp as they are for others. At Science Made Simple, elementary and middle school students can get detailed answers to many science questions, read current news articles related to science, get ideas on school projects, and take advantage of unit conversion tables. Users can also find out if their school's textbooks pass the test.
Ever wanted to know why earthquakes happen? How CD burners work? What the sun is made of? These questions, and many others related to computers/electronics, automobiles, science, entertainment, and people, are all answered at this award-winning website. Simply type a query into the search window or peruse the topics by category. Extras include free newsletters, surveys, and printable versions of all answers.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Real Story About Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a form of alternative health that originated in the mid 1800s. It has slowly grown in popularity, on the basis of some health breakthroughs, and an increasing trend of seeking natural forms of medicine. Doctors Health Press has a newsletter devoted to it. Homeopathy is the recipient of commons myths and assumptions that are simply untrue. Here we look at them, and dispel them.
Myth #1: "There is no proof that homeopathy works."
Homeopathy is based on logic and experimental data and has been studied for a variety of conditions. This often takes place in India and other countries and the results are seldom reported here. How the remedies might work is still up for debate. That they work in some way has been proven in experimental studies. If you ask homeopaths, the proof that their medicines work is in what their patients tell them.
Myth #2: "Homeopathic remedies are just placebo -- sugar pills."
Yes, remedies are made with very diluted amounts of the original plant, animal or mineral. For that reason, many people falsely assume the pills are really just placebo and contain no medicine. But the structure of these remedies is different from water or sugar and they have certain actions in the body. "Placebo" means people think the medicine is working when in reality it's doing nothing. But homeopathy has been found to work in a wide range of conditions -- and it works on babies and animals, who cannot possibly be affected by placebo.
Myth #3: "Homeopathy is a miracle cure for almost anything."
It isn't a cure-all. Like any medicine, homeopathy is limited. Some people won't react. Some conditions are not treatable. While it can help with symptoms, homeopathy cannot cure many diseases and situations where an organ or system is compromised.
Myth #4: "Homeopathy is slow in working."
Nope. In fact, homeopathy works fast when treating acute problems. In fact, if a remedy shows no sign of working by the third or fourth day, you are supposed to try another one. It will certainly take longer when used for chronic (longer term) conditions, but no longer than most drugs.
Myth #5: "It's only good for chronic problems."
Homeopathy is good for chronic issues, but that's hardly all. It's actually better for acute symptoms happening right now. The myth stems from the fact that people tend to visit the homeopath only after their illness has progressed and become chronic. What if they had tried homeopathy at the outset?
Myth #6: "Homeopaths are not trained doctors."
They have formal training in medicine, albeit not in conventional medicine. Homeopathic colleges all over the world train new practitioners. When you see a homeopath, ask for his/her accreditations.
Myth #7: "Homeopathy is just a type of herbal medicine."
This is wrong for a few reasons. Homeopathy uses not only herbs but animals and minerals, too. For an animal example, take Apis, which is honeybee. But it's also theoretically different than herbal medicine, which uses the active ingredients in herbs to treat health problems. But homeopathy is based on far different principals and acts in different ways. Plus, they are generally tried one remedy at a time, whereas herbal medicine often uses many plants at once.
Myth #8: "Strong scents and flavors work against the remedies."
Many people think that substances with strong flavors -- such as coffee, alcohol, mint, onions and garlic -- physically counteract a remedy. It is true that homeopaths have wanted patients to avoid these things, but it was mostly to see if a remedy worked without any potential interference. None of them would actually work against a remedy. (You are, though, meant to take a remedy at least 15 minutes outside of any meal.)
Myth #9: "Your symptoms get worse before they improve."
Many people believe that there are negative reactions right when you first start a treatment. But this is far from definite. Some people are very sensitive to a remedy and it happens. Some people take a remedy in too high a dilution. They don’t always get worse! If in doubt, always go for the lower dose.
Luxury versus Necessity
Yesterday, I was driving, and the FM radio went off for few seconds. I thought, I should have an iPod. Then suddenly I realized that I have not used my iPod in last 6 months. And then more things, Handy cam in last 2 years, Digital Camera in last 2 months, DVD player in last 1 month and many more. Now I can say that I bought that Handy cam just out of impulse, I have used it twice only in last 4 years.
 So, whats wrong and where? When I look at myself or my friends I can see it everywhere. We are not happy with what we have but all are stressed and not happy for the things we dont have. You have a Santro, but you want City You have a City, but you want Skoda. Just after buying a new phone, we need another one. Better laptop, bigger TV, faster car, bigger house, more money .I mean, these examples are endless. The point is, does it actually worth? Do we ever think if we actually need those things before we want them?
After this, I was forced to think what I need and what I dont. May be I didnt need this Handy cam or the iPod or that DVD player. When I see my father back at home. He has a simple BPL colour TV, he doesnt need 32Sony LCD wall mount. He has a cell phone worth Rs 2,500. Whenever I ask him to change the phone, he always says Its a phone, I need this just for calls. And believe me; he is much happier in life than me with those limited resources and simple gadgets. The very basic reason why he is happy with so little is that he doesnt want things in life to make it luxurious, but he wants only those things which are making his life easier. Its a very fine line between these two, but after looking my fathers life style closely, I got the point. He needs a cell phone but not the iPhone. He needs a TV but not the 32 plasma. He needs a car but not an expensive one.
Initially I had lot of questions.
I am earning good, still I am not happy¦...why ?
I have all luxuries, still I am stressed.... ....... why ?
I had a great weekend, still I am feeling tired...... why?
I met lot of people, I thought over it again and again, I still dont know if I got the answers, but certainly figured out few things. I realize that one thing which is keeping me stressed is the stay connected syndrome. I realized that, at home also I am logged in on messengers, checking mails, using social networks, and on the top of that, the windows mobile is not letting me disconnected. On the weekend itself, trying to avoid unwanted calls and that is keeping my mind always full of stress. I realized that I am spending far lesser money than what I earn, even then I am always worried about money and more money. I realized that I am saving enough money I would ever need, whenever needed. Still I am stressed about job and salary and spends.
May be, many people will call this approach not progressive attitude, but I want my life back. Ultimately its a single life, a day gone is a day gone. I believe if I am not happy tonight, Ill never be happy tomorrow morning. I finally realized that meeting friends, spending quality time with your loved ones; spending time with yourself is the most important thing. If on Sunday you are alone and you dont have anybody to talk with, then all that luxuries life, all that money is wasted. May be cutting down your requirements, re-calculating your future goal in the light of todays happiness is a worthwhile thing to do. May be selling off your Santro and buying Honda City on EMIs is not a good idea. I believe putting your happiness ahead of money is the choice we need to make.
I think, a lot can be said and done but what we need the most is re-evaluation of the value of happiness and time we are giving to our life and people associate with it.
Change does not Happen when CircumStances Improves......
Change happens when YOU Decide to Improve YOUR circumstances!!!!!!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
How to stay Happy.....Look on the Bright Side
The most important application of the law of cause and effect in your life is this: thoughts are causes, and conditions are effects. What this means is that your thought is creative. You create your world by the way you think. Nothing in your world has any meaning except for the meaning you give by how you think about it and talk about it. If you don't care about something, it has no effect on your emotions and actions.
How to be Happy
Many thousands of people have been interviewed over the years to find out what they think about most of the time. Can you guess what the most successful and happy people think about all day long? The answer is simple. Happy healthy people think about what they want, and how to get it, most of the time. When you think and talk about what you want, and how to get it, you feel happier and in greater control of your life.
How to be Unhappy
What do unhappy people think and talk about most of the time? Unfortunately, they think and talk about things they don't want. They think and talk about their problems and pains, and the people they don't like. Sometimes, their whole lives revolve around their complaints and criticisms. And the more they think and talk about what they don't want, the unhappier they become.
The Most Important Quality
Based on many psychological tests, the happiest people seem to have a special quality that enables them to live a better life than average. Can you guess what it is? It is the quality of optimism! The best news about optimism is that it is a learnable quality. You can learn to be a more positive, confident, and optimistic person by thinking the way optimists do—most of the time.
Look for the Good
Optimists seem to have different ways of dealing with the world that set them apart from the average. First, as we mentioned, they keep their minds on what they want, and keep looking for ways to get it. They are clear about their goals and they are confident that they will accomplish them, sooner or later. Second, optimists look for the good in every problem or difficulty. When things go wrong, as they often do, they say, "That's good!" and then set about finding something positive about the situation.
Seek the Valuable Lesson
The third quality of optimists is that they seek the valuable lesson in every setback or reversal. Rather than getting upset and blaming someone else for what has happened, they take control over their emotions by saying, "What can I learn from this experience?" Fully 95% of everything you do is determined by your habits, good or bad. When you repeatedly look for the good and seek the valuable lesson in every obstacle or disappointment, you very soon develop the habit of thinking like an optimist. As a result, you feel happier, healthier, and more in control of your world.
The Body-Mind Connection
More and more doctors are coming to the conclusion that 80% or more of all diseases and ailments are psychosomatic in origin. This means that "psycho," the mind, makes "soma," the body, sick. You do not get sick from what you are eating, but from what is eating you.
Action Exercise
Resolve from now on to see your glass of life half full rather than half empty. Give thanks for your many blessings in life rather than worrying or complaining about the things you do not have. Assume the best of intentions on the part of everyone around you.
How to be Happy
Many thousands of people have been interviewed over the years to find out what they think about most of the time. Can you guess what the most successful and happy people think about all day long? The answer is simple. Happy healthy people think about what they want, and how to get it, most of the time. When you think and talk about what you want, and how to get it, you feel happier and in greater control of your life.
How to be Unhappy
What do unhappy people think and talk about most of the time? Unfortunately, they think and talk about things they don't want. They think and talk about their problems and pains, and the people they don't like. Sometimes, their whole lives revolve around their complaints and criticisms. And the more they think and talk about what they don't want, the unhappier they become.
The Most Important Quality
Based on many psychological tests, the happiest people seem to have a special quality that enables them to live a better life than average. Can you guess what it is? It is the quality of optimism! The best news about optimism is that it is a learnable quality. You can learn to be a more positive, confident, and optimistic person by thinking the way optimists do—most of the time.
Look for the Good
Optimists seem to have different ways of dealing with the world that set them apart from the average. First, as we mentioned, they keep their minds on what they want, and keep looking for ways to get it. They are clear about their goals and they are confident that they will accomplish them, sooner or later. Second, optimists look for the good in every problem or difficulty. When things go wrong, as they often do, they say, "That's good!" and then set about finding something positive about the situation.
Seek the Valuable Lesson
The third quality of optimists is that they seek the valuable lesson in every setback or reversal. Rather than getting upset and blaming someone else for what has happened, they take control over their emotions by saying, "What can I learn from this experience?" Fully 95% of everything you do is determined by your habits, good or bad. When you repeatedly look for the good and seek the valuable lesson in every obstacle or disappointment, you very soon develop the habit of thinking like an optimist. As a result, you feel happier, healthier, and more in control of your world.
The Body-Mind Connection
More and more doctors are coming to the conclusion that 80% or more of all diseases and ailments are psychosomatic in origin. This means that "psycho," the mind, makes "soma," the body, sick. You do not get sick from what you are eating, but from what is eating you.
Action Exercise
Resolve from now on to see your glass of life half full rather than half empty. Give thanks for your many blessings in life rather than worrying or complaining about the things you do not have. Assume the best of intentions on the part of everyone around you.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Difference Between Wealth and a Rich Life
Over the years, my idea of what it means to be truly wealthy has changed a great deal.
As a young man fresh out of college, I equated wealth with a high income - and soon found myself in one of the nation's highest paying professions: money management.
It turned out I had a knack for it. Before long I had the spanking-new lakefront home, the ski boat, the Jaguar XJ-6 and all the other toys. When my friends came over for parties - which were frequent - most of them assumed I was rich.
I was nothing of the sort. Wealth is not the same thing as income. If you earn a lot of money and blow it every year, you're not rich. You're just living high.
My perspective evolved. I recognized that wealth is not about what you earn or spend. It's about the financial assets you accumulate and the debt you avoid (or pay down). Your balance sheet - not your income statement - is the true measure.
Of course, idealists will tell you that money isn't important, that it doesn't really matter. I disagree. Money gives you the freedom to make important choices in your life. No one is truly free who is a slave to his job, his creditors, his circumstances, or his overhead. Money allows you to support worthy causes and help the less fortunate. It allows you to do what you want, where you want, with whom you want. In short, money gives you options.
It has its limitations, as well. Money doesn't buy genuine love or friendship. (In fact, it may bring you just the opposite.) It won't restore your health, fix your marriage, turn you into "a success," or even make you charitable if you're not already charitably inclined.
Money alone doesn't make anyone wealthy. True wealth is a life rich in love, friends, projects and interests.
Like me, you may know high-net-worth individuals whose lives are impoverished. They are so obsessed with competing, winning and having "more" that they have little time for anyone or anything else. Other economically successful people are less obsessive but remain trapped in stressful, hectic lives. They lack something far more precious than money: time.
This is a bit odd when you think about it. Our ancestors just a few generations removed walked or rode a horse to work (where they often performed backbreaking labor). There were no automobiles, airplanes, cell phones, or computers. They couldn't have imagined labor saving developments like dishwashers, microwaves, supermarkets, or the Internet. Yet they still found time for leisure - and would no doubt be mystified by those today who choose to live their lives in a perpetual rush, as if being busy every minute of the day is a sign of success.
If these folks slowed down a little, they might gain a deeper understanding of what is driving them. Is it the intrinsic and monetary rewards of their work? Or is it fear, greed, envy, reputation, status, or some blinkered image of success?
What does it matter how much you make or how prestigious your title is if you spend your days rushing from one appointment to the next, pressured by deadlines and continually interrupting conversations and meals for emails and phone calls? That is not a rich life. Nor is it a terribly attractive image. As an old Chinaman once observed, "man in hurry cannot walk with dignity."
True, we live in a competitive, 24/7 world. We all have responsibilities and obligations. We want to be productive and meet our professional goals. But that's just the point, really. It's a matter of balance - and making a priority of what matters most.
You may know from my other letters that I am a huge fan of Thomas Jefferson. He was a statesman, historian, surveyor, philosopher, scientist, architect, inventor, educator, lawyer, farmer, breeder, manufacturer, botanist, anthropologist, meteorologist, astronomer, paleontologist, linguist, Biblicist, mathematician, geographer, scholar, bibliographer, translator, musician, gastronome and the nation's first great connoisseur of wine. He authored the Declaration of Independence, was Governor of Virginia, served two terms as President of the United States , founded the University of Virginia and much more. Despite his many accomplishments, Jefferson noted near the end of his life, "Nothing really matters except your family and your friends."
Our most precious resource is the short, unknown time we have left on this little blue ball. It is perishable, irreplaceable, and, unlike money, cannot be saved. Americans live, on average, just 28,000 days. That gives us, if we're lucky, roughly 443,000 waking hours. (And most of them may be behind you.) So it behooves us to ask, "Am I using my time well?"
Surveys show that more than half of Americans feel rushed, stressed and pressed for time. How do you regain control? In much the same way we create investment capital...
You've probably heard that to become a disciplined saver you have to "pay yourself first." That means setting aside at least ten percent of your income before you pay the rent, buy the groceries, or hit the mall. If you wait until you've bought everything you want, there is usually little left to save. To avoid this, we pay ourselves first.
Time is similar. If you intend to spend more time on leisure, or with your closest friends and family, or in other high-value activities once you get everything done, that moment remains elusive. Important but less urgent activities take a back seat to urgent but less important ones. So we have to make first things first. (Follow through, of course, is everything.)
In sum, a genuinely rich life is not about income, assets, or possessions. It's about living your life your way.
Money helps. But that is a secondary consideration. How you spend your time is the first.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Wanna Succeed at work ? check out these rules......
- You are not just paid to work. You are paid to be uncomfortable – and to pursue projects that scare you.
- Take care of your relationships and the money will take care of itself.
- Lead you first. You can’t help others reach for their highest potential until you’re in the process of reaching for yours.
- To double your income, triple your rate of learning.
- While victims condemn change, leaders grow inspired by change.
- Small daily improvements over time create stunning results.
- Surround yourself with people courageous enough to speak truthfully about what’s best for your organization and the customers you serve.
- Don’t fall in love with your press releases.
- Every moment in front of a customer is a moment of truth (to either show you live by the values you profess – or you don’t).
- Copying what your competition is doing just leads to being second best.
- Become obsessed with the user experience such that every touchpoint of doing business with you leaves people speechless. No, breathless.
- If you’re in business, you’re in show business. The moment you get to work, you’re on stage. Give us the performance of your life.
- Be a Master of Your Craft. And practice + practice + practice.
- Get fit like Madonna.
- Read magazines you don’t usually read. Talk to people who you don’t usually speak to. Go to places you don’t commonly visit. Disrupt your thinking so it stays fresh + hungry + brilliant.
- Remember that what makes a great business – in part – are the seemingly insignificant details. Obsess over them.
- Good enough just isn’t good enough.
- Brilliant things happen when you go the extra mile for every single customer.
- An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production. Enough said.
- If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.
- Lift your teammates up versus tear your teammates down. Anyone can be a critic. What takes guts is to see the best in people.
- Remember that a critic is a dreamer gone scared.
- Leadership’s no longer about position. Now, it’s about passion. And having an impact through the genius-level work that you do.
- The bigger the dream, the more important the team.
- If you’re not thinking for yourself, you’re following – not leading.
- Work hard. But build an exceptional family life. What’s the point of reaching the mountaintop but getting there alone.
- The job of the leader is to develop more leaders.
- The antidote to deep change is daily learning. Investing in your professional and personal development is the smartest investment you can make. Period.
- Smile. It makes a difference.
- Say “please” and “thank you”. It makes a difference.
- Shift from doing mindless toil to doing valuable work.
- Remember that a job is only just a job if all you see it as is a job.
- Don’t do your best work for the applause it generates but for the personal pride it delivers.
- The only standard worth reaching for is BIW (Best in World).
- In the new world of business, everyone works in Human Resources.
- In the new world of business, everyone’s part of the leadership team.
- Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.
- You become your excuses.
- You’ll get your game-changing ideas away from the office versus in the middle of work. Make time for solitude. Creativity needs the space to present itself.
- The people who gossip about others when they are not around are the people who will gossip about you when you’re not around.
- It could take you 30 years to build a great reputation and 30 seconds of bad judgment to lose it.
- The client is always watching.
- The way you do one thing defines the way you’ll do everything. Every act matters.
- To be radically optimistic isn’t soft. It’s hard. Crankiness is easy.
- People want to be inspired to pursue a vision. It’s your job to give it to them.
- Every visionary was initially called crazy.
- The purpose of work is to help people. The other rewards are inevitable by-products of this singular focus.
- Remember that the things that get scheduled are the things that get done.
- Keep promises and be impeccable with your word. People buy more than just your products and services. They invest in your credibility.
- Lead Without a Title.
I encourage you to share + discuss + debate these with your team and throughout your organization. Within a quick period of time, you’ll see some fantastic results.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Learn what Mistakes you can avoid while still at JOB.

When you have a job, make sure that you are not making any of the common mistakes mentioned below:
Ignoring Self Improvement:
The most important thing you need to do when you are employed somewhere is to work on self improvement. Everyone possesses a lot of skills but unless you constantly work on polishing those skills, you will end up being out of touch. Since new technologies are constantly being incorporated at offices, the most important thing is to learn how to use them and make sure that you are using all tools at your disposable to perform effectively and efficiently. This way even if you are fired in the long run, you can get another job much quicker based on your experience and know-how.
You can very easily sharpen and polish your existing set of skills by enrolling in an online course, reading help materials and books and learning from a colleague or senior.
Not Availing Opportunities:
This mistake also takes its branches in the previous one as a person who does not avail the learning and training opportunities provided by the company is doing himself a great harm. Companies often organize training sessions and workshops for their employees that are aimed at honing and sharpening their skills. Most employees consider such exercises tiresome and boring and do not attend these sessions. The fact is that the employees are the ones who can reap maximum benefit from such sessions and work towards the advancement of their professional careers. So whenever you company organizes a workshop, be a part of it and learn all you can to improve your own skills.
Not Saving Money:
You need to start putting money aside while you’re still receiving a steady paycheck. Most people do not feel the urgency to start saving money when they have a job and often waste too much money on useless things. However, once you are without a job, the money just flows out and there is no steady inflow of cash so you are left in a tight spot. It’s much easier start saving money when you are employed as you can take a little out of your salary every month and put it in a savings account. This way even if you are terminated you will have a considerable amount of money saved which can be used while you are looking for a job and will definitely take the pressure of you.
Not Developing Contacts:
One of the most important things you need to realize when you are working in a professional environment is that developing a strong network of people assets is extremely important for your career. People assets are the most significant and important part of your professional life as they can be the most valuable contacts which come in handy when you are having problems at work or in case you get fired and are looking for a new job.
When you are employed somewhere, not only can you make a lot of contacts at work, but you also get in touch with clients and customers. If you are good with people skills, you’ll be able to make new contacts immediately and even if you are not good at this, you can learn by watching others.
Remember, the wider you network of people is, the easier it is for you to get a job if you are fired or even get better job opportunities when you are still employed.
Not Planning Ahead:
When you are at a stable and secure job, it is understandable that you do not want to think of other options or plan ahead. However, if you do not plan ahead you can face a lot of problems later on as sooner or later everyone has to evaluate where his career path is headed. You need to take a break and consider what you want from your professional career in the next five years. Make a list of all the goals that you need to accomplish in order to get there and then check how many of these goals have been accomplished by you till date.
Next you can make a list of what changes in your professional path are necessary to reach the goal and start working on achieving them. If you are planning ahead and are prepared for the next five years, even if you are fired at once, you will know what your career path is and what you have to do next to get the job that will help in keeping you on track.
It goes without saying that being jobless and unemployed is a tough time and anyone can break under the pressure. However, since we are all aware of the fact that the chances of being laid off are increasing for every single person, it is better to be prepared well in advance so that if the circumstance arises, we are able to deal with the situation positively. You need to keep in mind that getting fired is not the end of the world and with patience a proper approach you can get a new job within no time. Keep in touch with your colleagues from all the past offices and make sure that you send them a message or an email from time to time so that they think of you in case a job opportunity arises.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Find out the The 13 Most Powerful Super Foods you can have...
Why Are They So Super?
Ask five nutritionists to rate the 13 most powerful foods and you'll get five different lists, but many of the selections will overlap. Why? Because every food provides something different: Some are a rich source of protein or fiber but void of many vitamins and minerals, while others contain disease-fighting phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, but no protein. The trick, claim experts, is to get a variety of the best foods. The following 13 power foods are a good place to start.
Ask five nutritionists to rate the 13 most powerful foods and you'll get five different lists, but many of the selections will overlap. Why? Because every food provides something different: Some are a rich source of protein or fiber but void of many vitamins and minerals, while others contain disease-fighting phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, but no protein. The trick, claim experts, is to get a variety of the best foods. The following 13 power foods are a good place to start.
Sure they're high in fat, but avocados contain healthful monounsaturated fat, which has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. "Avocados aid in blood and tissue regeneration, stabilize blood sugar, and are excellent for heart disorders," says Ed Bauman, Ph.D., director of Bauman College . They're loaded with fiber (11 to 17 grams per fruit) and are a good source of lutein, an antioxidant linked to eye and skin health.
"An apple a day really does keep the doctor away," says Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S., author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. Apples are loaded with the powerful antioxidants quercetin and catechin, which protect cells from damage - that means a reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, especially if you eat the skin. Research shows that the apple peel contains five times more polyphenols than the flesh. Apples and their skins pack a lot of fiber too (about twice that of other common fruits, including peaches, grapes, and grapefruit), which may help fight the battle of the bulge.
Antiaging superstars, blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which have been shown to improve vision and brain function. Studies show that eating blueberries slows impairments in motor coordination and memory that accompany aging. These little berries also reduce inflammation, which is inextricably linked with virtually every chronic disease from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, to diabetes and heart disease. Other studies show that blueberries have much greater anticancer activity than other fruits.
In the vegetable world, the Brassica genus reigns supreme, and the cabbage is the most impressive of the lot. Brassica vegetables (including broccoli, bok choy) contain compounds called indoles, which have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer dramatically. "Eating cabbage more than once a week cut men's colon cancer odds by 66 percent," says Bauman. "Cabbage also stimulates the immune system, kills bacteria and viruses, and is a good blood purifier." If you go for the red variety, you'll also get a healthy dose of anthocyanins (the same pigment molecules that make blueberries blue), another powerful antioxidant with an anticancer punch.
Fish and Fish Oil
Eating fish helps cut the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis. The fatty varieties may also help alleviate depression. The American Heart Association recommends that adults eat at least two fish meals per week, especially wild salmon, herring, and sardines, because those varieties provide the most heart-healthy omega 3s. Avoid mercury-containing varieties like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and albacore tuna, says Roberta Anding, M.S., R.D., national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. (Chunk light tuna is okay.)
Research shows that garlic lowers total cholesterol and triglyceride (blood fat) levels, helping prevent clogged arteries. "Two to three cloves a day cut the odds of subsequent heart attacks in half for heart disease patients," says Bauman. "Garlic also tops the National Cancer Institute's list of potential cancer-preventive foods." Whole baked garlic helps detoxify the body of heavy metals like mercury (from fish) and cadmium. Garlic also acts as an antibacterial and antiviral, boosting resistance to stress-induced colds and infections. Can't stand garlic breath? Chew on a sprig of parsley.
Used for centuries in Eastern medicine, mushrooms have powerful effects on the immune system - especially the maitake, shiitake, and reishi varieties. "Mushrooms such as maitake help prevent and treat cancer, viral diseases, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure," says Bauman. In fact, mushrooms are used as an adjunctive cancer treatment throughout Asia because of their ability to counteract the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation while simultaneously shrinking tumors. What's more, Japanese researchers have found that regularly eating shiitake mushrooms lowers blood cholesterol levels up to 45 percent.
Almonds are loaded with fiber and monounsaturated fat, both of which have been shown to lower cholesterol. According to the Food and Drug Administration, eating 1.5 ounces of most nuts, including almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. And even though almonds are relatively high in fat and calories, studies show that eating almonds can actually help with weight loss (their protein, fiber, and monounsaturated fats provide the feeling of fullness, preventing overeating).
The best protein source on the planet, eggs consistently outrank milk, beef, whey, and soy in the quality of protein they provide. In addition to containing all nine essential amino acids, eggs are loaded with nutrients. "And for God's sake, eat the yolks," says Bowden. People avoid the yolks because they fear cholesterol, but egg yolks contain choline, which helps protect heart and brain function and prevents cholesterol and fat from accumulating in the liver.
Loaded with alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid that helps reduce inflammation, flaxseed has been used for centuries for medicinal and health reasons. Gandhi himself proclaimed, "Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health." Bauman adds, "The seed itself has terrific nutritional value, very usable protein, tremendous fatty acids, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and zinc." Additionally, they're a great source of fiber.
Pomegranates have up to three times the antioxidants of red wine and green tea - and the juice has been shown to reduce artery-clogging plaque, which in turn prevents heart disease and stroke. Research shows that long-term consumption of pomegranate juice may also help slow aging and protect against cancer.
Red Wine
A small amount of any kind of alcohol each day does your heart good by increasing HDL cholesterol and reducing the risk of blood clots. "Red wine also contains powerful antioxidants, reservatrol and saponins, which may provide additional cardiovascular benefits," says Anding. Resist a refill, however: More than one drink daily has been linked to high blood pressure.
Dark Chocolate
When it comes to chocolate, bitter is better - at least in terms of health. The benefits of chocolate come from flavonols and antioxidants (the same disease-fighting chemicals found in cranberries, apples, strawberries, and red wine). The caveat: Only real cacao contains flavonols, so look for chocolate that boasts a high percentage of cacao (60 percent or more). Dark chocolate also has fewer calories than other varieties, and when eaten in moderation, it lowers unhealthy LDL cholesterol and prevents plaque from building up in your arteries.
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