Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Difference between Leaders and Managers

Leaders are born leader, they can not be made however managers can never be born they can learn to manage the things. Thats what I have learnt in my life, Many People believe that managers are actual leader for their organization but its not True, A Leader must be a good manager but a good manager can not necessarily be a good manager. There are few qualities which are usually there in the leaders which distinct them from the manager.


There is difference between the core ideology of the both, sole purpose of the leaser is to welfare the people he/she actually leads and on the other hand the purpose of the manager is to welfare of the organization. A manager is working for some monetary and non monetary benefits but what leader perceive while leading is success, honor and acknowledgement. Money and other incentives have secondary importance for the leaders.


In the personality of the manager there exist several fear which may be in the form of job insecurity, competition, changing technology and a lot of other issues but in case of leadership, leaders exist beyond such fears, they are undaunted and courageous. Managers may sometime prove coward while making decision but leaders never hesitate to make a difference.

Beside this, leaders are born to be lead due to charisma of their personality but in case of manager they usually don't have such charisma the only thing they do have is authority on the basis of which they actually role in the organization. Leaders have their own natural style, in contrast to that manager usually borrow their style from some one else who can be a manager or a leader.

3-Time Horizon

Manager think short term, they have their ideas for a small time but leaders think for a distant they have their views for long term prospective, some time people usually disagree with them in short term but in long term they got the success when people started getting result. All the great leaders have never compromise on short term benefits in fact leaders always defer the short term benefits for getting success in long term.


The behavior of leaders is such that they try to originate the thing but the manger innovate the thing, leader believes on the doing the things right but leaders does the right things. Managers are there in organizations to manage the thing or administer the thing but on the other hand leaders go for the plan and achieve the things.

5- Status Quo 

Managers usually accept the status quo and want to remain in the situation of status quo as less effort involved in the state of status quo while in contrast to that, leaders hate the situation of status quo and go for breaking the ice of the berg in order to keep pace with the world.

No doubt the leaders can be managers and managers can be leaders but it is not always the case, the different always exist and of course level of leadership and managerial level always varies from person to person and situation to situation

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