How many hours does the average person commute per year?How much weight will you gain at your current job?How many hours will you work in your lifetime?The answer to all three of those questions is: a lot. These are just some of many depressing facts about the typical job today.
1-80% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs.
2-The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime.
3-Couples in which one partner spends 10+ hours more than usual at work divorce at twice the average rate
4-There isn't much job security. On average, Americans hold seven to eight different jobs before age 30.
5-25% of employees say work is their main source of stress and 40% say their job is "very or extremely stressful"
6-25% of employees say work is their main source of stress and 40% say their job is "very or extremely stressful"
7-Each year, the average American spends over 100 hours commuting
8-10,000 workers per year drop dead at their desks as a result of 60- to 70-hour work weeks in Japan. The phenomenon is known as “karoshi"
9-Aside from traffic accidents while commuting, falling from heights is the No. 1 cause of death at work (19%). Being struck by moving or falling objects accounts for 17% of work fatalities
10-Women make only 77.5 cents for every dollar that men earn
11-15% of director-level women have slept with their bosses -- and 37% of them got promoted for it
12-Nearly half of America has gained weight at their current job; 28% have gained more than 10 lbs, 13% have gained more than 20 lbs
13-64% of Americans canceled vacations last year. One-third did it for work-related reasons even though most felt they were more in need of a vacation than the year before
14-In the United States, workers take an average of 57 percent of their vacation days. That means most of us voluntarily give up about 50 percent of the time off we're legally allowed so we can continue to work instead.
15-25% of people check into work hourly while on vacation, via email and phone. 59% said they check work during traditional holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Basically, work is everywhere.
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